Init functions in Go

Init functions in Go

January 10, 2023 | 3 mins read.

In the intricate tapestry of Go programming, the init function stands out as a unique and powerful tool for performing initialization tasks. In this detailed blog post, we will embark on a journey to explore the init function in Go, understand its purpose, and discover how multiple init functions play a crucial role in the initialization process.

Understanding the init Function: Introduction and Syntax

The init function is a special function in Go that allows you to perform initialization tasks before the program starts executing. Unlike the main function, the init function is not called explicitly; instead, it is executed automatically before main. This makes it ideal for setting up configurations, initializing variables, or performing any other one-time setup tasks.

The syntax of the init function is simple:

func init() {
    // Initialization tasks go here

Single init Function

Let’s start with a simple example where the init function is used to set up configuration parameters.

package main

import "fmt"

var maxConnections int

func init() {
    // Set up configuration values
    maxConnections = 100

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Max connections: %d\n", maxConnections)
    // Rest of the program...

In this example, the init function initializes the maxConnections variable, which is then used in the main function.

Multiple init Functions

Go allows you to have multiple init functions in a package, providing a modular approach to initialization. Each init function in a package is executed in the order in which it is encountered during program initialization.

package main

import "fmt"

var message string

func init() {
    message = "Hello"

func init() {
    message += ", Go!"

func main() {
    // Rest of the program...

In this example, two init functions are used to build the message variable. They are executed in the order they appear in the file.

The Initialization Sequence

When dealing with multiple packages, the order of loading and initialization becomes crucial. Go follows a specific sequence:

  1. Package Initialization Order:

    • Initialization functions in each file of a package are executed in the order in which they appear in the source code.
    • Initialization across different packages is determined by the order of import statements in the main package.
  2. Multiple Packages in the main Package:

    • If the main package imports multiple packages, the initialization order is determined by the order of import statements in the main package.
package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Main function")
    // Rest of the program...

In this example, if config and utils packages have init functions, they will be executed in the order specified by the import statements in the main package.


The init function in Go serves as a gateway to perform essential initialization tasks, setting the stage for the main function and the rest of the program. Whether you are configuring parameters, initializing variables, or orchestrating complex setup operations, the init function is your ally.

Understanding the order of loading and execution with multiple init functions and across different packages is crucial for creating modular, well-organized, and efficient Go programs. As you dive into the world of Go programming, let the init function be your guide to seamless and organized initialization. Happy coding!